1. Savenko A, Zozulia Y, Valálik
I : New method in the diagnosis of intracranial hematomas. Patent
SU 1176472. Priority 27.02.84.
2. Putilin A, Lisyanij N, Valálik
I : The method in diagnosis of the leakage of cerebrospinal fluid. Biulletien izobretieniy i otkritiy ,1986,
Vol8. Patent SU 1215015. Priority
3. Savenko A, Zozulia Y, Valálik
I : Tests for investigation of compensatory reserves in araised
intracranial pressure. Biulletien
Izobretieniy i otkritiy, 1986, Vol9.
Patent SU 1215658. Priority 11.05.84.
4. Spasichenko N, Zozulia Y, Valálik I : Treatment of cerebral
ischemia. Biulletien Izobretieniy i otkritiy, 1987, Vol46. Patent SU1358939.
Priority 17.10.85
5. Valálik I, Julow J, Sági S, Hável J, Kismarty I:CT-guided target
determination for Stereotactic thalamotomy (abstract). Stereotactic and Functional
Neurosurgery :67, pp 87-88,1996-97. XIIth Meeting of the World Society for
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery. Lyon, France, July 1-4, 1997.
6. Valálik I, Julow J, Sági S: Ablative CT-guided stereotactic surgery for Parkinson’s
disease. Acta Neurochir. 1998 Vol. 140 No 8,pp 844-845 XIIIth Congress.
European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Freiburg,
Germany, 20-23 September 1998.)
7. Valálik I,
Julow J, Hável J: Experiences with ventroposterolateral radiofrequency Pallidotomy for
Parkinson’s disease Neuro’98, XIVth Congress of the Hungarian Neurosurgical
Society, Debrecen, Hungary 15-16 May,1998
8. Hável J, Julow L, Kiss T, Valálik
I, Slavei K, Pénzes I: Subdural haematoma after anticoagulant therapy. (abstract) Neuro’98, XIVth Congress of the Hungarian
Neurosurgical Society, Debrecen, Hungary 15-16 May,1998
9. Julow J, Kiss T, Hável J, Göböl L, Lajkó A, Valálik I: Subdural haematomas. Surgical management and outcome in
444 patients. Neuro’98,
XIVth Congress of the Hungarian Neurosurgical Society, Debrecen, Hungary 15-16
10. Julow J, Major T, Sági S, Valálik
I, Hável J, Kiss T, Somogyi A, MangelL, Német Gy, Lányi F, Hajda M,
Szeifert Gy, Bálint K, Fedorcsák I, Borbély K, Nyáry I, Drasnyi G: Stereotactic
CT-guided brachytherapy of brain tumors. (abstract) Neuro’98, XIVth Congress of the
Hungarian Neurosurgical Society, Debrecen, Hungary 15-16 May,1998
11. Valálik I,
Julow J.: Chronic deep brain stimulation in the
treatment of movement disorders. (abstract). Neuro’2000, XVth
Congress of the Hungarian Neurosurgical Society.11-13 may, 2000 Miskolc, Hungary, p 20
12. Julow J, Major T, Emri
M, Valálik I, Sági S, Hável J et al.: The advantages of image fusion in
stereotactic brachytherapy of brain tumours. (abstract). Neuro’2000, XVth
Congress of the Hungarian Neurosurgical Society.11-13 may, 2000 Miskolc, Hungary, p 18
13. Valálik
I. Julow J. Mély agyi stimuláció (agyi pacemaker) a
mozgászavarok kezelésében (absztrakt). A Magyar Tudományos Parkinson Társaság
konferenciájának elõadásai 2001.április 20-21. Hotel Aquincum Corinthia, Budapest..
14. I. Valálik, E. Urbán. Surgical treatment
of bilateral upper limb tremor in Wilson disease. A case report 3rd World Congress in Neurological
Rehabilitation, Venice, Italy, April 2-6 2002.
15. Valálik
I., Julow J.
Essentialis tremor kezelése thalamotomiával és mély agyi stimulációval. A
Magyar Tudományos Parkinson Társaság konferenciájának elõadásai
2002.május 10-11. Hotel Aquincum Corinthia,
16. Valálik I, Julow J. Surgical treatment of posttraumatic
tremor. ICRAN 2002 (International Congress on Recent Advances in
Neurotraumatology) Bali, Indonesia, August 1-4, 2002.
17. Valálik I, Julow J. Surgical treatment of essentialtremor.
7th International congress of Parkinson’s disease and movement
disorders. November 10-14, 2002. Miami, Florida, USA.
18. Julow J,.Major T, Valálik
I, Sági S, Viola Á, Mangel L et al:Brachytherapy of 160 brain tumours.
Second Central European Neurosurgical Society Meeting. Brno 6-8 November, 2002.
19. Viola Á, Julow J,
Major T, Valálik I, Sági S, Mangel L, Spellenberg S. Ct and image fusion
guided 125 Iodine stereotactic brachytherapy of acoustic neurinoma:2 cases.
Second Central European Neurosurgical Society Meeting. Brno 6-8 November, 2002.
20. Viola Á, Julow J,
Major T, Valálik I, Sági S, Mangel L, Kovács R. 125 Iodine brachytherapy
of brain stem tumors - 2 cases.Radiotherapy Oncology, 2003, vol 66, S28.
21. Valálik
. Frameless MRI-anatomy-based and CT-guided targeting in pallidotomy for advanced
Parkinson’s disease. 12th European Congress of Neurosurgery. 7-12 September
2003, Lisboa, Portugal p 29.
22. Valálik I.
Stereotactic thermolesion and deep brain stimulation in the treatment of
movement disorders."Current Problems in Neurology and Neurosurgery" Second
West Ukrainian Conference of Neurologists and Neurosurgeons. Uzhhorod, April
15–16, 2004
23. Valálik I, Urbán E. Surgical Treatment of Bilateral
Upper Limb Tremor in Wilson Disease. Abstracts selected for presentation at the
16th Congress of the European Society for Stereotactic and
Functional Neurosurgery (ESSFN), Vienna, June 23-26,2004. Acta Neurochir 2004, vol. 146, No8, pp
24. Valálik I. DBS for upper limb tremor in
Wilson disease. 9th International Congress of Parkinson’s disease and Movement
DisordersNew Orleans, Ls. USA, Match 5-8,2005. Movement Disorders, 2005:20
Suppl10, S162
25. Valálik I. Deep brain stimulation and thalamotomy for posttraumatic tremor. 3rd
Pannonian Symposium on CNS injury and 17th Annual Conference of the Hungarian
Neurosurgical Society. 28-30 April, 2005, Pécs, Hungary. Clin Neurosci/Ideggy
Szle, 2005:58:214.
Görömbey Z.,Göböl L., Hável J., Kiss T.,
Lajkó A.,Valálik I.,Julow J. Why does subdural haematoma often
mean nocturnal operation? 3rd Pannonian Symposium on CNS injury and
17th Annual Conference of the Hungarian Neurosurgical Society. 28-30
April, 2005, Pécs, Hungary. Clin Neurosci/Ideggy Szle, 2005:58:203.
Hável J., Julow J., Göböl L., Görömbey Z., Huszár
B., Kiss T., Lajkó A.,Valálik I. Subduralis haematoma antikoagulált
betegek esetében. 3rd Pannonian Symposium on CNS
injury and 17th Annual Conference of the Hungarian Neurosurgical
Society. 28-30 April, 2005, Pécs, Hungary. Clin Neurosci/Ideggy Szle,
2005:58:203. (poster)
28. Görömbey
Z.,Göböl L., Kiss T., Lajkó A.,Valálik I.,Julow J. A subduralis
haematoma műtéti ellátása során szerzett tapasztalataink – 710 eset kapcsán. 3rd
Pannonian Symposium on CNS injury and 17th Annual Conference of the
Hungarian Neurosurgical Society. 28-30 April, 2005, Pécs,
Hungary. Clin Neurosci/Ideggy Szle, 2005:58:205-206.
29. Valálik I. Poszttraumás tremor kezelése thalamotomiával és vim- stimulációval. A Magyar
Tudományos Parkinson Társaság konferenciája 2005.május 20-21. Hotel Hotel
Thermal Margitsziget, Budapest.