Zastava Yugo manuals

Yugo Koral manual pages

19-26-1-i 20-26-2   21-26-3   22-26-4
23-26-5   24-26-6   25-26-7   26-26-8
27-26-9   28-26-10  29-26-11  30-26-12
31-26-13  32-26-14  33-26-15  34-26-16
15-50-1   16-50-2   17-50-3   18-50-4

Downloadable ( 3.47Mb

These pages above collected in this file.

The filename format is: a-b-c
 a=number of the file (15-34)
 b-c=page in the manual.

I don't take any responsibility about this manual.
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